Mission and Values


CLINIFAR is committed to providing innovative healthcare equipments and solutions that fully meet the requirements set by healthcare professionals. In doing so, we garantee increase in quality and efficiency in healthcare provided services in Portugal. We also provide maintenance and technical suppport services provided by a team of dedicated and available professionals, which establishes a lasting partnership.


Quality Policy

CLINIFAR guarantees high-end quality services and products. Our quality policy synthetizes our orientation towards a quality management system associated to selling medical devices, clinical and pharmaceutical products and providing technical assistance services.

Our goal is to convey to our partners the certainty that we have available the technical and organizational skills that are able to provide, consistently and systematically, the quality level required to meet our partners’ needs and expectations.

It is our strategy:

  • Establish cooperation and trust relationships with our clients, thus continuously improving their fulfillment levels;
  • Ongoing care for cost-benefit relation’s optimization;
  • Promote employee motivation and satisfaction;
  • Maintain an inclusive management system, decentralizing authority and delegating authority levels;
  • Foster internal management systems in services and operations;
  • Develop a partnership with suppliers in a constant update in tech and industry;
  • Represent and hold unique products of undisputable quality;
  • Commit to applicable requirements and continuously improve the Quality Management System.

This strategy can only be reached through team work, where all individuals must be driven by eliminating mistakes, focusing their efforts in preventing their occurrence, thus guaranteeing the continuity of CLINIFAR’s success in the long run.

Portugal 2020

Organizational innovation and optimization in using TIC project |  Project Sheet